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Tips In Toga/Head2Toga's Blog

Hot Wedding Trends for Nails

June 25th, 2013 • Posted by Tips In Toga • Permalink

If you're planning to say vows this summer, you'll want to be up-to-date on all the latest wedding trends. A manicure is probably on your to-do list, but do you have any idea what you want? Never fear brides, we've got you covered. Check out the three hottest wedding trends for your nails.

French manicure

It's a classic look for a wedding. French manicures remain the most popular trend for brides. The elegant look includes white tips with a clear or pink coat of polish at the base. Many brides include gems or decorations on one nail to complete the look.

Colored tip

If you're looking for something a bit more edgy, get a French manicure with a colored tip. Rather than going for the traditional white color, pick a polish that matches your wedding colors. If your bridesmaids are wearing pink, consider a pink tip to add a dash of color to your look. You could also select a glittery polish for the tip, like silver or gold.

Classic red

If a French manicure isn't your style, you can always go with classic red. After having your nails trimmed and filed, select a bold shade of polish to rev up your wedding-day look. Our nail technician will apply a topcoat to keep the paint from chipping, but it's not a bad idea to buy the bottle of nail polish to have with you, just in case.

As always, our skilled nail staff are full of ideas. Be sure to chat with them if you're looking for a little inspiration.

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